CoIS 2019 will be held in conjunction with YISHPESS 2019.
Registration to CoIS allows free access to the YISHPESS 2019 (as a non-speaker).



Sport science and technology are helping athletes to improve their physical performance. Nowadays, technology play central roles in support for a performance boost or recovery technique related to sports science. Sport science has changed things in a big way. Coach and athletes can now get real time data on performance, new recovery technique, analyze to prevent injury and several wearable technologies to easy coaching process.

Our theme in this 2nd conference “Implementing Sport Science and Technology in Pushing Human Performance to the Limit”. This theme was chosen to anticipate the development of science and technology in the field of sports which continues to grow along with the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. We hope this conference can become a meeting point for academics, researcher and sports practitioners to exchange ideas, share experiences and develop synergies.

Conference Theme:    “Implementing Sport Science and Technology in Pushing Human Performance to The Limit”.

Scope of Conference:

  • Sports Coaching
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Applied Physiology and Human Performance
  • Biomechanics
  • Sports Medicine
  • Sports Nutrition
  • Sports Psychology
  • Technology in Sports
  • Motor Behaviour, Human Movement, Signal Processing, and Support Technology
  • Computer Systems in Sports
  • Information Technology (IT) in Sports
  • Other Related Topic in Sports



Pembicara Seminar Internasional Olahraga 2019



Important Dates of Conference

Prosiding Seminar Olahraga Terindeks Scopus

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